Daniel and I definitely ended the 2011 year with a bang! On Friday the 23rd Dan and I drove down to my parents house. As a family we watched the ever-so-classic "The Year Without a Santa Claus" which is my Dad's favorite Christmas show. The following day was Christmas Eve and we spent the day mostly lounging about and unsuccessfully trying to break into unfinished homes. For my family's Christmas Eve gift we got "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" so we watched that.
Christmas Day was on a Sunday this year and I am so grateful I was able to see some of my old friends from my home ward! Before going to church though, we opened gifts. Some of the gifts we received include the following: Muppets Monopoly, Sherlock Holmes, a G
Monday afternoon Dan, Jake, and I took trax to downtown Salt Lake. We went to the Gateway, Temple Square, and we were able to take a tour of the Conference Center Roof! I have always wanted to do that!
Tuesday morning we packed up and went to Daniel's parent's house. One of Daniel's old roommates invited us to his wedding and we attended the sealing and festivities for their wedding day. It was great to see him again and he picked quite the beautiful, fun-loving bride!
Wednesday Mitch and Sarah came and picked us up early and we drove to Zion's National Park. It was definitely worth the $25 entrance fee! We hiked Canyon Overview Trail, th
Thursday morning those who could go went to the St. George Temple. It was SO Beautiful!!! All of the family then went golfing at a local golf course. We split into 3 teams and played a scramble. It was pretty fun! Our team consisted of : Hannah, Jake, Willis, Dan, and Myself. Sadly we did not win... :<
Friday we attempted to swim at an indoor pool...but alas it was not meant to be and the pool was closed. We sat in the hot tub instead. I have decided that it is more enjoyable to sit in a hot tub when it is 20 degrees outside and snowing than 50 degrees and sunny. Friday night we played the Newlywed Game with everyone in the family who is married (4 couples). Sadly Daniel and I did not win at this either...
Saturday we left St. George around 11:30am and had an epic car ride with John, Rachel, Dan, and myself. We ended up playing leap frog with Jake and Hannah and every time we passed them we would do different things in the window...great times were had by all. Dan an
Highlights of the trip:
*Jacob getting a Batman Snuggie
*An Elderly Missionary telling my brother that he is a menace to society for not being married even though he is only 18 years old
*Daniel running up 20 tiny switchbacks
*Daniel and Mitch referring to Angel's Landing as Man Mountain
*Jake accidentally turning off the light in the room we were in while Todd was talking to everyone...trust me this one was priceless
*Willis being brought back to life
*Mitch asking me in a dead serious tone if I have ever heard of Princess Cereal
And great times were had by all :D
*Passing Jake and Hannah while pretending to row boat our car
*Passing Jake and Hannah with drawn on talking hands talking at them