Sunday, June 23, 2013

Halfway There!

This weeks marks our 20th week of pregnancy!  We will be finding out the gender on Tuesday!  I sent out an email to all of our family members asking them to guess the gender.  The guesses are tied! 

18 Weeks
19 Weeks
20 Weeks Halfway There!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

We're Having a Baby!

I had a very special Mother's Day this year, I got to announce to my family and basically to everyone else that Dan and I are having a baby!  I feel so blessed to live in a time with the technology that we have!  We were able to be on video chat with everyone to announce our good news.  I then called and texted other family members.

Our due date is 11/11/2013.  Everything looked good at my last Dr.'s visit, which was for 16 weeks.  We hoped to find out the gender on June 25th.

15 Weeks Pregnant

16 Weeks Pregnant.  1st time wearing maternity pants!

17 Weeks Pregnant.