Friday, February 26, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Family History

First of all I would like to say how grateful I am that I have the time and the desire to do Family History work. :)

I have almosted indexed 10,000 names!

Right now I am working on my Peeler PAF files, I am updating them from what my Grandmother had. I am to the Surnames that start with T! Only T,U,V,W,X,Y, and Z left. I hope to complete them before the one year anniversary of my Grandmother's death.

There have been some frustrations with the family history work:

First, I have about 3 great-something- grandmothers who supposedly were never married. I have searched birth records, death records, and censuses and they were never listed with any husbands.

I really want to know where the Garrett's come from. Today I tackled Moses Gerritt/Garrett, he was born in the Netherlands and died in Pennsylvania. I was able to find his death record but that was about it. There might be something to Grandma Garrett saying they're Jewish though, there was a Moses Gerrits in Pennsylvania who buried his son in a Hebrew cemetery.

I did have some success today though, I was able to go back to Danie's 14th Great Grandfather, William Gillespie born around 1510 in Scotland.

My number one fear is that somehow someday I will loose all my PAF files. To prevent this I keep them on my jump drive as well, but you never know.