Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some interesting things happened at church today. The first thing was hilarious, during the sacrament, a little boy sitting next to us pressed a button on his Lightning McQueen car and in the dead silence it said, "The Checkered Flag is Mine." The talks today were about weaknesses and how we all have them to over come them. The second speaker talked about how he doesn't have empathy for people and in my head I was like, "Where is this going?" Then I was touched, he was with the group of people who went to Nutty Putty Caves Thanksgiving week. He is good friends with the brother of the guy who died. He said that he had overcome his weekness because he was one of the people that stayed with and comforted the guy stuck in the cave.
During Primary we taught the kids about the Fall of Adam and Eve, I was surprised because they actually enjoyed reading in the scriptures this week. During sharing time Dan had a contact come out. All the kids looked at me questionably as he left to fix it, I told them his eye had fallen out. I love teaching Primary with Daniel.


  1. Laurana took a toy to Sacrament that sings, "Sounds like fun oo, oo Barbie." I made sure I set it far out of reach.

  2. you probably traumatized those kids! hahaha what age do you teach?

  3. The story about the cave is touching. Thanks for sharing it.
