Monday, February 15, 2010

Family History

First of all I would like to say how grateful I am that I have the time and the desire to do Family History work. :)

I have almosted indexed 10,000 names!

Right now I am working on my Peeler PAF files, I am updating them from what my Grandmother had. I am to the Surnames that start with T! Only T,U,V,W,X,Y, and Z left. I hope to complete them before the one year anniversary of my Grandmother's death.

There have been some frustrations with the family history work:

First, I have about 3 great-something- grandmothers who supposedly were never married. I have searched birth records, death records, and censuses and they were never listed with any husbands.

I really want to know where the Garrett's come from. Today I tackled Moses Gerritt/Garrett, he was born in the Netherlands and died in Pennsylvania. I was able to find his death record but that was about it. There might be something to Grandma Garrett saying they're Jewish though, there was a Moses Gerrits in Pennsylvania who buried his son in a Hebrew cemetery.

I did have some success today though, I was able to go back to Danie's 14th Great Grandfather, William Gillespie born around 1510 in Scotland.

My number one fear is that somehow someday I will loose all my PAF files. To prevent this I keep them on my jump drive as well, but you never know.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you have the genealogy bug! Once you have everything in PAF like you want it, you will then need to make sure the NewFamilySearch is updated with all of this information. Then you won't need to fear losing the information. :)
