Friday, June 10, 2011

Idaho Falls

This week Daniel had the opportunity to go to Idaho National Labs for a conference. I love the fact that his professor let's his student's wives tag along! Last year we were able to go to San Jose together and later in the month we will be going to Florida.

So what do I think about Idaho Falls after spending 5 whole days there?....let's just say Idaho Falls and I aren't the closest of friends. One night I spent an hour trying to find the Jamba Juice due to one way roads and a lack of a good numbering system for the city streets. I
understand that Utah is unique in it's numbering of roads in a way that makes sense and is organized...but the fact that I swear I saw two 25th streets and that 17th street actually has two other names is a little ridiculous. Also no grid pattern at all was used in planning this minute I was headed north and the next thing I know I'm headed back south again.

I did appreciate the always beautiful Idaho sunsets and the amazing river with it's falls. This town also has a lot of parks! I spent two of the days bumming around the Freemont Park.

I was able to go to the Idaho Falls Temple with my grandparents and it is a lovel
y temple. I had never been inside before, it is the temple my grandparents and parents were married in.

I think Dan had a good time, he was able to learn some 'stuff' about 'stuff' that he works with...and he got free food :D


  1. That sounds like Florida! A lot of streets have two or three names and there are several streets that are named the same but never connect. It's very confusing. But the important question is, Did you ever make it to Jamba Juice!?

  2. Yes, Yes I did! But I was pretty upset by the time I got there and then they didn't have any of the baked breads I like :( At least I got a Jamba!

  3. Wait a sec. I just saw where you said you will be coming to Florida at the end of the month! Is that true!?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yep, we will be in Hollywood, FL. I looked it up and it is almost 4 hours away from Orlando :( We will be there from June 25th- July 1st for a conference.
